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Financial Benefits 


Roman Cement makes its technology available to the complete cement and concrete industry value chain, including manufacturers or importers of cement, concrete producers and fly ash markerters. 

Cement manufacturers

Manufacturers of cement will find several sources of value in the Roman Cement technology, such as:

  • Production Cost Savings
    Roman Cement opens the possibility to producing cement blended with materials that are potentially less costly than the manufacturing cost of cement itself, leading to cost savings, hence improved profitability.


  • Capacity Expansion
    By applying the Roman cement technology, cement producers can increase the total output of existing cement plants. For example, a Roman Cement blend with 50% cement and 50% cement substitutes would double the total output of a given plant. Because the capital investment for a Roman Cement facility is far less than that of a cement plant of the same capacity, the implementation of Roman Cement also leads to a better Return on Capital Employed for investors.

  • Longer life of assets
    One of the main determinants of a cement plant's useful life are limestone reserves in the quarries within close proximity of the plant. By blending in substitute materials, a cement plant can maintain the same total output (of blended product instead of pure cement) but will use less limestone, thereby extending the useful life of the plant and dramatically improving the overall Return on Assets. 

Cement kiln

Concrete producers

Concrete producers that license the Roman Cement technology can produce their own blended cement product. The combination of Vertical Roller Mill technology and simple classifying offers a financially viable way to grind clinker and blend different components directly to the desired Roman Cement specifications. The result is a blended cement with a cost that is 20% to 50% below the cement market price. For many concrete producers, this means doubling or tripling bottom line profits.

Cement importers

A Roman Cement production facility is a perfect add-on to a cement import terminal, as it provides two competitive advantages for the importer:

  • Ability to import clinker instead of cement as a finished product to save on cost of product and shipping, and

  • Dramatically increase the amount of sellable product by blending local industrial by-products such as coal ash with the imported clinker.


The overall result is more revenue at a higher profit margin and a better Return on Investment.

Generators of industrial by-products


Coal ash disposal site in La Belle, Pennsylvania


The Roman Cement technology offers the possibility to use previously unsuitable materials in a beneficial way.  Industrial by-products such as poorly reactive coal combustion by-products or steel slag can now be used as cement substitutes in large quantities. The benefits to industrial companies like power plant operators and steel manufacturers are twofold:

  • Avoidance of disposal costs. For example, the average disposal cost of fly ash in the US is $14/ton

  • Hedging a potential environmental liability. Disposal of industrial waste such as fly ash is under constant scrutiny from regulatory entities and the public in general, and dispoal sites are often considered to be environmental time bombs.



Fly ash marketers

With Roman Cement, companies that market fly ash from coal and biofuel combustion can now justify more use of such products and in some cases command a premium:

  • The potential for higher cement substitution rates translates into more product sold overall

  • The higher perfromance of Roman Cement blends as compared to the traditional way fly ash is used in concrete creates more value, hence an opportunity for higher prices


The overall result to the fly ash marketer is increased revenues and profits.  

An industry-wide benefit: CO2 Credits

In addition to the aforementioned benefits and value to individual industry players, the implementation of the Roman Cement technology also creates CO2 credits. These credits are directly tied to the substitution of cement i.e. the avoidance of emissions that are associated with cement production. Depending on the location, such emissions reductions can be monetized either on official exchanges in accordance with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Kyoto Protocol) or in voluntary markets around the world. 







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