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Roman Cement Technology Overview: Particle Size Optimization

Roman Cement is a hydraulic cement material composed of ordinary Portland cement and one or more supplementary materials whose particle size distributions have been optimized to maximize cement substitution while retaining high performance attributes at the lowest cost.  

Most efficient cement particles

Industrial waste products 

(coal ash, steel slag, etc.)

ROMAN CEMENT patented cement blend

Traditionally, performance loss, notably on compressive strength, limits the use of supplementary materials like fly ash, natural pozzolans and slag as cement substitutes. The Roman Cement technology optimizes the particle size distribution of each component (cement and the different supplementary materials) to effect the most efficient reaction of cement particles with the lowest water demand and best particle packing.

As shown in the graphical representation on the left, a Roman Cement blend only retains the most efficient cement particles. Finer and coarser particles are replaced by other materials such as fly ash, various types of slags, natural pozzolans, limestone and other minerals in order to maximize the packing density and retain a good flow while keeping the water demand low.

A number of replacement materials that are suitable for Roman Cement are industrial by-products with a very low or virtually “zero” carbon footprint. Others can be found in the ground, such as natural pozzolans that were formed during ancient volcanic activity. Because many of these materials are already known as cement replacement materials, albeit in much smaller proportions, concrete producers are familiar with them and do not need to implement any significant changes to the way they operate today.

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